31 jan '09
saturday..for the first time ever ummar had touched and feel how the ground looks like..is it so special? what make it so special?..as for me..and for my family..it's something that u akan kenang and have a story to tell to your kids..this kind of 'acara' is not MUST do..it's just u have to do it if u want too..(no paksaan but aper salahnye kalau keep on..teruskan aper yang dah di warisi sejak turun temurun)
the acara berlangsung macam nih..
first of all baca doa selamat (part ini echa yang take over..bukan ramai pun orang..family members and a few neighbours jer)
selesai doa selamat..acara memvogelkan ummar..(heheh..x pasal2 ummar jadik tontonan umum)
bermulalah adegan ummar memijakkan kaki ke tanah..(sambil dipimpin by nenek..ummar shows tahap takut2 yakni muka cuak the moment ummar's feet touches the ground)

after couple stepping..ummar seem enjoy the feeling..(enjoy sebab dapat pijak tanah or enjoy jadik tontonan??..my son eager the crowd attention??..hmmm)
next scene (hihii) ummar have to choose and grab three things that nenek already prepared and mix it all in one tray which is..daun pandan hiris, gold necklace(mak yang's), gold bangles, cash rm10 rm5 rm2, a book and pencil..at first elok ajer terletak dalam dulang all the stuff tuh..tapi cam tak dapat menarik perhatian ummar..(not get the attention from ummar to serang that dulang..) then nenek tuang atas tikar bagi ummar excited choose the three stuff..
and the first thing that ummar pick it up was..
CASH note rm2..secondly (again) cash note rm5.. and the last thing was gold necklace (bling-bling!! =) hahaa)
nenek bagitau that ummar pandai berjimat (coz only take the small amount between duit yang ader) and ummar pandai kumpul harta (coz choose the gold..mudah-mudahan..amin) even ummar tak pilih buku or pencil..mama harap jugak that ummar akan rajin and pandai belajar..(amin)
finally for ummar..it's time to mandi bunga!! (untuk naik seri katenye..ekekek..cam pemantin plak anak bujang ku itu)..bersiram laa ummar dengan seronoknye dalam tub kat luar rumah..

when the 'acara' comes (any acara of coz)..mestilah 'makan-makan' di sertakan sekali yea tak??..semua yang datang meneruskan acara dengan makan menu yang telah disediakan by nenek..
to nenek and semua yang menjayakan acara ummar turun tanah ini..diucapkan berbanyak2 terima kasih!
another kenangan terindah untuk ummar di zaman kanak2..
till next time..bye
3 comments/cakap jer aper nak cakap:
Salam Ilhan,
Ni adat org Jawa kan? Bestnya ummar, mandi air bunga lagi :)
salam fiza..
aah..adat orang jawa..nenek ummar still rajin nak praktikkan..kalau turn cucu kita ntah2 dah lupa nak wat camne..hihii
eh, tak penah tgk adat camni.. cam seronot jek.. ;)
btw, salam singgah,,
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